I.I.T.C Building, National Insurance Commission, Independence Ave. PMB CT 23, Cantonments (0302) 240642 / (0244) 523309
Advanced Diploma Program
Ghana Insurance College is the educational arm of the Insurance Industry in Ghana. It is owned by the National Insurance Commission, Ghana Insurers Association, Insurance Broking Association of Ghana, Chartered Insurance Institute of Ghana. The Ghana Insurance College is in collaboration with Malta International Training Centre in Western Europe and the Chartered Insurance Institute, UK to commence Advanced Diploma in Insurance program in March 2020.
The Advanced Diploma program comprises five (5) examinations and it is a terminal qualification to attain Associate level credential of Chartered Insurance Institute of Ghana.

Compulsory Courses
1. Economics and Business
2. Business of Insurance and Regulatory Environment

Elective Courses
1. Claims Track
Advanced Claim Management
Advanced Underwriting
Strategic Claims Management / Loss Adjusting

2. Insurance Broking Track
Advanced Insurance Broking
Marketing Insurance Product and Services
Advanced Underwriting

3. Underwriting Track
Advanced Claim Management
Advanced Underwriting
Marine Hull or Advanced Risk Transfer

4. Life & Health Insurance Track
Private Medical Insurance
Life Critical Illness Disability Underwriting
Life Critical Illness Disability Claims

The Entry Requirements are as follows:
1. GIC/MITC Diploma in Insurance
2. CII, UK Diploma in Insurance
3. WAII Diploma in Insurance
4. CIP, Canada Equivalent
5. Diploma in Insurance from a recognized Insurance training body.

Interested individuals can buy the application forms at the Ghana Insurance College premises at a fee of GH¢250.00 or call 0302-240642, 0503-052796 or 0244-523309 for further information. Registration is in progress.